Can you believe the ridiculousness?
Half an hour back I created my blog. 3rd to be precise in as many months. Wrote two inspiring articles too..inspiring atleast for yours truely. Satisfied I logged out and went away from my seat to engage the loo pot.
Washed my face, hearts of heart satisfied at a blog well written. Came back to my seat, my creative viens at its furious best.
Typed in the log in name and the password just to find the invalidity sign pouting on the screen.
Amused at first, grossly irritated later, I furiously try to match names after names, password after password...sometimes to find the name as invalid and sometimes the password invalid...
And you won't believe the jackass I had been. Even the email id mentioned was invalid. Somebody give me a gold medal for winning the contest on self stupidity:)
This what you see is another blog created. Fourth in 3 months.
Hope this survives the ignorance of my mind.
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