Tuesday, January 31, 2006

As the auto rickshaw stops at a signal in Bangalore road

You are thinking something and all of a sudden you get a sudden pat on your thighs from nowhere. The lamenting follows. For the uninitiated these are the chidren of God, guess less loved.
A three and half year olf baby girl carrying a one and half year old brother of hers is such a common sight in the traffic signals of Bangalore. Sometimes, out of compassion you dig into your pocket and give a dime or two but when this becomes a regular event, at each of the signal, you get a little pissed off.
Sometimes you just spit venom on the poor little child which you realise you should not have. But what can we do? How many dimes can we give and to how many people. Existence forgive me!

How unfortunate are these beautiful little faces to have exited from a stomach which could not give them anything except misery and..well a begging bowl. How would these children feel when they see som many of their own, neatly dressed, travelling in the best of buses early in the morning...How they would wish to be playing along with the other children in the park nearby at the end of the day..
Swings, see - saw, merry go round...you name it and they are deprived of it.

What happens to these kids 15 years from now? Would they be around to see the world? If yes, with what eyes would they be seeing everything. From the eyes of want and hatred or the eyes of love and acceptance.
Something has to be done of them..
The traffic lights go green..I cross the street and forget about it...
Forgive me existence for being so damn selfish..


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