Inside Google India............
“I googled for it but could not find the same, said my friend famished by the pressing load of searching something over the net.
“Did you look into some other search engines?” I enquired
“Hell no! what’s the point in searching when the content seems to be non existent in google”,
my friend shot back!
That’s the power of this search engine. Period. 5 years. We had these search engines with
all the non descript but funny titles like,, dog, and the likes. But the market seemed to be mainly dominated by MSN search. Maybe because our own Sabeer Bhatia was a craze then for having sold to the richest man on earth Bill Gates!
Where is MSN search today? Straddling between the default browser pages of personal computers and the colossal stature of a search engine that has changed the way the world perceives information.
Information has become so bloody cheap. You want something (or rather anything) you
get it in google. Except, our sweet kitta angdi that stands majestically at the corner of
South End Circle, where delicious tea sells like hot cakesJ (an odd comparison) and where software engineers from Caritor (you will get the search in google btwJ) splurge after a
tiring day’s work.
Coming back to the issue of google. In India, as in the States this is a web browser’s
best friend. Taking this into consideration, a popular magazine, (Business Today to be
precise) in one of its recent issue carried out a cover story. It was an interesting read.
Seems this company is only growing. Prices of shares rising, the company diversifying
into several newer entities, the search engine itself anticipating great prospects and the employees…Well they seem to be the happiest lot. Good for them.
I totally agree that Google is a web browser's best friend..I would not even be able to do my work were it not for Google. Go google go!!
7:59 am
Yeah once Google came in...i just completely lost count of whatever it was that I used to hang on to before.
9:26 pm
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