Please give out the right information, Sir!!!!

Information is the need of the hour. To be more specific, “the correct one”!
A fight for the chicken and the egg is getting murkier as each one (keeping the concern of their individual industry), tries to pitch fork their opinion.
That, one should protect their respective industry is perfectly fine. But at the cost of what or who, is the bone of contention. One sector says that it is not the case of H5N1 but a classic case of a lesser devastating disease and that there are no threats in terms of the same spiraling into a pandemic or anything of that stature. The other says that Bird Flu has entered the country and that the people were kept under wraps for a very long time.
We have a classic paradox running across the country. Concerned officials eating chicken at “press conferences” but abhorring the same at their official canteens; politicos ridiculing each other at the drop of a hat, trying the game of one-upmanship, without much knowledge whatsoever; human health doctors being interviewed and sound bytes taken from businessmen on the cause of the flu and its containment instead of inquiring from professional veterinarians who have knowledge on the subject. This is so very paradoxical.
Information as a medium is being relayed as per the whims and fancies of individuals, instead of institutions that have the capacity of providing the right whats and whys.
So who loses in this cockfight? The common people, who else?
The common man is confused at the reports that come from the forked tongues. In the middle of one upmanship, the common farmer is culling thousands and thousands of birds, which would be of utter loss, if tomorrow the case is not of bird flu and some small disease. Where does he go for compensation? The sound bites given by the higher ups regarding compensations in TV channels and newspapers look and sound convincing!
But its to everyone’s guess how much will this be implemented, right?
P.S. Bloody why are we Indians so secretive about everything????
Prevention is better (and far cheaper) then cure.
Why take a chance?
8:59 am
** Bloody why are we Indians so secretive about everything????
Maybe cos we r not so honest and open in what we do...
7:29 pm
thnx 4 droppin by.
u hv serious thinkin here ..
i dunno y but,
i feel like
this bird flu is all but crap.
if it's present nw,
it shd hv been present since ages..
then majority of non veggies shd hv ended their lives...
i still dun believe such things exist..
if at all exists, that is part of the natural chain of life ..
no one can escape :)
1:44 am
Hi !
Thanx for stopping by ...
Love the title of ur blog : " is dope as addictive as hope? "
Giving out right info is one thing, and not giving out info at all is something else !
8:14 pm
nice post buddy...
ye therez a lot of confusion
no one knows what is exactly happening...
news channels are hopeless...
the price of chicken here is Rs.5 per KG... ;-) lol
i'm a veggie so it doesnt make ne diff to me...
nice one
12:55 am
tarun: true:)
keshi: honesty is non existant in our dictionaries;)
virginupdates:true. let them enjoy:)
sridhar:dude, let the veggies have a ball of time..esp. the comments:)thanks for dropping by
deepa:glad that u appreciate the blog name..never tasted dope but have been a great taster of thats so much addictive i guess:)
punnet: thanx buddy..keep blogging and thanks for dropping by:)
3:45 am
prolly we should put that word back in na :)
4:25 pm
keshi: completely agree with u:)
alexis: we are no doubt in a better position but u know the mushrooming of media houses and they can go to any extent to get some exclusivity for themselves.
12:35 am
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